How To Court Your Crush On Social Media

Rainbow Flag Gay Pride
Rainbow Flag Gay Pride
It isn’t uncommon for couple’s first interaction to be on social media. In fact, it may be their only Interaction for quite a while. You get to know the person they show the world and suddenly you’re spending a lot of time chatting with this guy and you’re investing a lot of emotions before you know it. Before any of that happens you need to catch his eye on social media and let him know you’re interested in him.

Experts today say to start with Instagram. Your real name is searchable so no matter what crazy screen name he uses you can probably find him. One you have your own account and have your crush put up your best most photogenic pics with catchy taglines. If you have photos associated with your crush tag him as well. Tag businesses or restaurants you were in as well. Remind him how much you have together and show the world you have serious intentions.

There are risks to keep in mind, however. There is a fine line between crushing on someone online and getting labeled a creeper so be very careful. If you’re looking at his Instagram photos and you’re scrolling past page 47 and your finger jerks and you accidentally tap the like button, you’ve blown it. He will know you have devoured his entire history online and immediate creepiness will exude. It takes finesse.

Gay Men Are On Social Media
Gay Men Are On Social Media
Twitter is another social media avenue for playing it cool. You can hear what people are thinking at the moment essentially. Liking a person’s tweet is a subtle way of saying Hi. You should never like more than one of his tweets at a time though, or you will look like a weirdo. Your last resort should be Facebook chat. It tells others when you are online and whether or not you received their last message. Connect with you crush on social media slowly, never all at once. It gives a creepy vibe when you’re notified about the same dude 10 times in a row.

Always be respectful. Do not over share your thoughts and feelings about your crush until you’re sure that is what he wants to do. Respect his feelings as you expect your feelings to be respected. Be understanding in how much of his life he wants exposed on social media and never cross the threshold of what feels comfortable. Don’t do anything crazy like friend all his exes, friends and family members. – How Much Is To Much To Share On Social Media?

As your relationship grows online he will become more comfortable with your presence and association with you online. He’ll become accustomed to your humor and brand of flirting and understand you far better. Your intentions will be more visible and your jokes more evident. He has a better chance at really getting to know you online.

Take advantage of tags that play games like #MCM (Man Crush Monday) to post his pic or tag him to a cute meme. Participate in the ones where you can tag the last five people to texted as your accomplices in a crime scene or the team of zombie killers you survive the apocalypse with. Those are nonthreatening, a little fun and flirty.

Always keep in mind that your online presence can work against you. If you find yourself in trouble with the law, going through a divorce or in a child custody battle, what you do and say on social media can have an adverse effect on your life. Sometimes people in positions of authority or public service can also experience an adverse reaction. Only divulge as much information as you are both comfortable with. Any picture or status can
be misconstrued to mean anything.

You may find he doesn’t want to show any attention at all. That’s a bitter pill to swallow but one you’ll have to respect. If he wants to keep things quiet respect his decision but be clear that it is something you want in the future.

Decide If You Want A Real Relationship Or if It’s Just Fun You Are After
Decide If You Want A Real Relationship Or if It’s Just Fun You Are After
Decide early on if this is something you’d like to turn into a real relationship or if it’s just for fun. Knowing that will help make decisions further along. The type of relationship you decide to pursue will govern the way and places you go about courting your crush on social media. Less serious avenues, comments, memes and animations are appropriate when you’re only tossing jokes back and forth and harmlessly flirting. If you’re looking for the real deal, steer clear of dirty jokes and references.

Using the common sense you do in the real world will go a long way in learning the ropes online.