Be Aware Of Fake M4M Dating AdsWe have all done it. We have all perused the ad section of our favorite magazine or local swag paper. Craigslist is another place you’ll find them. They are easy enough to spot, the trick is figuring out if they are real. It isn’t always easy to tell and a wrong choice could lead to a really horrible disaster. News reports show stories of Craigslist dates especially going awry and ending in burglary, robber and even death. – Read CL Dating Horror Stories – While these places are great for meeting new people, they can also be a breeding ground for scammers and thieves.
M4M Dating Ad Is Fake Sign #1 – Spelling
It really does make a difference. Aside from the regular texting abbreviations and shortcuts spelling and grammar can be very telling. Knowing what to say is one thing but how to say it to the person you’re talking to is quite another. If the wording, spelling or grammar doesn’t seem like something that would come from someone like you, it’s probably fake. Even if it isn’t a scammer, you wouldn’t want to start a relationship that can’t spell past a third grade level.
M4M Dating Ad Is Fake Sign #2 – Money
If He Is Asking For Money… He Is Not A Nice GuyThis should go without mention but someone inevitably falls for it every single year. If he asks you for money before you have ever met him or even after you meet, it’s a bad sign. No matter what story he hands you or what situation in his life develops never send him any money. Some scammers have been known to take a scam on for years in order to get money from their targets. Never trust someone you have never met in person.
M4M Dating Ad Is Fake Sign #3 – Real Content Text
The Introduction paragraphs and About Me sections will be real settings. It’s also a good sign if there is a photo. This means a real human in the same country as you are in actually filled in the text boxes your reading. All things you want. Sometimes though, it’s a trick. The content will seem legit and you’ll get an email that sounds good. Pretty soon they’ll nit you with a verification email or a safety link for his protection etc.… in order to see his private photos and secret desires. From there it leads to a payment sight and the harsh realization you haven’t found a real guy after all.
M4M Dating Ad Is Fake Sign #4 – Avoidance
He Is Never Available To MeetAs these romances go, online chatting leads to texting and phone calls. It’s after a spell of that, depending on how far apart you live, that the two of you will decide to meet. That’s how it goes. If you find that he always has an excuse for not meeting up with you, he may be a fake. The longer he can keep you on the string, the better chance he has at building a strong relationship and take advantage of you in every way possible. If every attempt at meeting is greeted with a different excuse there is a reason behind that.
M4M Dating Ad Is Fake Sign #5 – Immediate Connection
Usually, this would be a good thing. At least in the real world. But in the online world when a man is immediately in love and wants to meet you and sweep you off your feet, it could mean trouble. If he’s professing his deep and unbounded love for you in the first few days after you meet, there is cause for concern. If he wants to call or text every day and demand your whereabouts and plans, you’ll have to reassess the situation. Divulging a peremptory love that exceeds the bounds of life and time is a little weird. If you can’t feel a creep vibe (how to not be creepy) coming off this dude you shouldn’t be online. He may ask you to delete the profiles you have on the website you met on. All of these things are forms of control and should be avoided like the plague. If he starts trying to sever your other relationships, run for the hills.
If He Doesn’t ¨Sound¨ Like A Real Person… Walk Away Before It’s Too LateYou know when an ad is fake when it sounds written by a bot or someone from another country translating. You know when it sounds right and makes sense. It’s when thing progress and it still seems plausible that you begin to wonder. It’s hard to tell if the advertiser is actually a real guy wanting to hookup or if it’s a robot hooker wanting your credit card number. You have to trust your instinct. If things just don’t feel right, stop it. It could get a lot worse than some stolen credit cards if you hook up with the wrong people.