The first thing to keep in mind is to tackle the project as if you are describing yourself as a character in a book. Do not think of it as writing an advertisement for print. This will make you self-conscious and anxious. Start by listing all of the things you like most about yourself. No one will see this first draft. It is entirely private. You are free to write anything that you feel makes you sparkle. List the aspects of your personality that you are most proud of. These things are the foundation of your ad.
In few short sentences you have to sum up what a great guy you are and what awesome date you could be. You want it to really say who you are but you want it to stand out too. Take the best two features from the list you made and describe why they make you who are in your own voice. An example is below.
Pet lover with a love for the outdoors but never misses a chance to turn up at the club. While my tastes are wide ranging, my friendships are not. I choose my friends wisely and hold them close.
This gives a pretty good sneak peek at your personality without exposing too much information right away. The next thing you’ll want to add is what you’re looking for and how to contact you. When considering how to word this part you need to be as honest as possible. There is no way around it, if you are going to meet someone and see them eye to eye there is no sense in lying about your looks or personal appearance. Describe yourself accurately and send recent, relevant photos in messaging.
A Good Gay Dating Ad Is Built On Honesty
Keep Some Things To Yourself
It’s important to remember in the midst of all this honesty and truthfulness that you do not want to overshare. There are things that you are proud of and make up a part of who you are but do not need to be mentioned nor will they be helpful in a gay singles ad. Do not overshare. Do not talk about what your family does on the holidays or how close you were to your great grandma. Do not show photos of your animals, kids, nieces, nephews or neighbors. Keep the conversation short and relevant.
Now Its Time To Compose The Perfect Gay Dating Ad
Writing a great gay personal ad is all about expressing who you are in a way that only you can. Relax when you approach it. The delete button is always there. Nothing is permanent, you can always change it. It helps to look at other ads in the same issue and get an idea of what others are saying before you start to write your own.
Choose a magazine or newspaper that you read. Something that other people like you would be interested in. You’re more likely to find someone your style in a publication that is geared toward your interests and lifestyles.